The Valentine's Bouquet


Our whimsical garden bouquet is available in three sizes for every Valentine in your life in our curated Valentine's palette featuring shades of red, pink and peach. Pictured here: the large!

Stem count by size:
Medium | 15-20 stems
Large | 20-25 stems
Luxe. | 25-30 stems

No vessel included.


Flowers, in all their magic, will vary due to seasonal availability. While we do not "guarantee exact bloom varieties, we do guarantee the freshest, most beautiful designer blooms.


Valentine's Day order pickup is available Thursday, February 13 and Friday, February 14 between 11 am - 5 pm. For special accommodations or requests, please call the shop.


Valentine's Day Delivery is available for orders of $75 or more on Thursday, February 13 and Friday, February 14. Valentine's Day orders will enjoy $15 flat rate delivery to our delivery zones. Order by Tuesday, February 11 to guarantee your blooms.

All deliveries will be made between 9 am and 6 p.m. Specific delivery times cannot be guaranteed.

Bud Vases

Our heart-shaped anthurium bud vase – a modern take on romance that lasts.


Browse our nature-inspired garden flower arrangements, designed to help you celebrate all of life's moments.

V-Day x Bouquet Club Bundle

Gift flowers all spring this Valentine's Day with our designer-curated seasonal subscription.